Friday, May 3, 2019

Cake "Grouse's Nest"


This is the favorite cake of our family and all friends. I have been cooking it for many years, and it always goes with a bang! It is so light and tasty !!! 

3 tablespoons of blacks, 
1 tablespoons of sugar, 
1 tablespoons of honey, 
100 grams of butter, 
2 eggs, 
1 teaspoon of boiled soda. 

Chocolate glaze: 
in a deep saucepan, mix 300 grams of thick greasy sour cream, 1/2 cup sugar sand, 4 tablespoons cocoa powder. And bring to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and add 50 grams of oil. 

Sour cream: 
beat 200 grams of thick sour cream with ½ stacks of sweet sand until sugar is completely dissolved.

1. Mix all the ingredients for the dough, make balls the size of a walnut. Bake at a temperature of 170-180 grams for 10-15 minutes until the color is yellow-brown. Cool it down. 
2. Cover a flat round dish with balls (this is the bottom of the nest). 
3. Pour the bottom with hot chocolate icing. Make a side of the balls (nest) and pour it with the remaining icing. 
4. All the other balls to fold into the nest, dipping in cream white cream. And pour the white cream on top. White balls are eggs in a nest. 
5. Put the cake in the cold for 2-3 hours. 

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