Monday, January 15, 2018


Embroider beads.
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Beads used in embroidery on materials, which do not require special dry cleaning. For beadwork take tissue - basis. This can be a dense fabric, linen fabric, linen, viscose, viscose dense, velvet and dense fabric satin, fur, cloth.
The threads should be used are strong, they are not to beads peretёrli, loschёnye and basic background material.
Perform beadwork is often combined with embroidery, cross-stitch and other decorating seams, cord, narrow closure band, satin ribbon.
Embroiders according to the figure planned for the material or on the canvas. Embroidering on the canvas, it is necessary to watch closely to beads lay next to each other and were not visible strings canvas.
Embroider with beads (1) (518x291, 111Kb)
To work it is necessary to choose the beads of one size with large holes. Learn to embroider with beads is easy enough, but this requires experience and oven mitts. The main requirement - beads for embroidery should be laid evenly and with the same inclination.
Base - an outline. It is a specialized matter. It perfectly visible cells obtained by weaving yarns. For the best stretch of the canvas need to fluff her sweet sugar solution . It prepare so: in 1 tbsp. of warm water is poured sugar (1/3 cup) and stirred until dissolved. Further, the fabric for embroidery stele at Gorny surface impregnated with the resulting sticky liquid and leave to dry completely.
When the embroidery hoop preferably used. They base material and close enough to stretch the cells and not mowing. The thick linen or x / cotton fabric with a sturdy thread weave is used, if the beads sewn up the whole area of ​​embroidery. In this case it is possible to sew only on the canvas, the material can not confirm.
Synthetic base with sparse weaving yarns suitable for embroidery items, shirts, shirts and towels. If sewing is performed by fleecy material, for example, a velvet or velor, then enclose the canvas on the inside and in the same lay stitches retaining beads certainly at the outer edge of matter.
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Needles for embroidery. Since the beads are very small holes, in the process using a special thin needle.

Threads for embroidery . Threads need to buy a durable and compact: c / b, cotton or nylon lavsan (number 33, number 50). The thread is folded in three additions, and sometimes two, depending on the complexity of the picture. The yarns are selected on color basics, even if beads green and beige cloth, the thread also taken beige.

Beads . Acquire beads preferably in specialized stores, such as . Beads can be packaged in bags, but often in bulk. To calculate how much you need for embroidery, considering the number of beads in the scheme. In 1 g of about 50 units of small size beads.

Beads are sometimes different in size, try to select it, so that the amount was slightly less than the tissue cells of the embroidery. Well, when the beads, which you choose, the same type. In this case, sewing looks clearer and nicer to look.
Embroider the beads (2) (591x267, 104Kb)Embroider beads (3) (548x254, 93Kb)Embroider beads (4) (542x244, 97Kb)Embroider beads (5) (568x242, 110Kb)Embroider beads (6) (560x249, 102Kb)Embroider beads (7) (558x269, 114Kb)Embroider beads (8) (700x305, 275Kb)embroidery, beads-3 (700x549, 446Kb)

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