Tuesday, February 19, 2019


9:35:00 AM
Mega_Online.Vol 2.Montoro 

Well, watch out on the road and meet the summer in new clothes?  Dress SUN
Consumption 450g (100g_400m)
Hook № 2.5
To obscenely simple in knitting.  
The motive itself is connected in a modified scheme, instead of CCH, we have 3CCH with one vertex + 3VP. 
The second row is SBN + 7VP (on this arch then 11SSN), the next arch from 15VP and 21SSN. Between the arches of SBN and 2VP. 

Scheme 2 and 3. On the sleeves and sides of the skirt there is a scheme with a picot of a rhombic pattern. 
Scheme 1 
Dress College. 
Consumption of 300 grams (100gr_350m) 
Hook №2.5 
Everything is simple. Bottom up turning rows in a circle. Tilting due to the removal of unnecessary VIs and combining two vertices along the pattern. 
The sleeve is knitted from the armhole. 
Binding PSB. 
Dress Hourglass. 
Consumption from 650g (100g_400m) 
Hook № 2.5
At first glance, even for the pros. But I would not be me if I had not dismantled it, even if superficially. 
The principle of the skirt and inserts on the bodice-triangle. All increases at the bottom and cuts in the rows in the sides - to the desired shape of the canvas when landing along the waistline. Everything else on the dress is only vertical and horizontal stripes. 

Dress Ethno. 
Remains of yarn in a total of 500g (100g_400m) 
Hook № 2.5 
Variations with stripes. 
The scheme is taken from Osinki. The author is listed on the photo. 
Part of the lanes is a series of CCH and a tick from CCH_VP_SSN. 
The other lane is the coin pattern. 
Blouse Lady. 
Consumption from 450g (100g_400m) 
Hook № 2.5
Start with the VP above. Especially attentive will not begin to ask a question how to add on the coquette for expansion. The increase is already in the scheme  
Up to the armpit 4-5 ports with an openwork fan (5 reports can go away when divided into a carcass and sleeve).
All increases are shown in the diagram. 
Footnotes to the side indicate a frill (it is indicated), the number of RLS on the arches (these are 2 and 3), the number 5 indicates the number of lanes (  
this is written above), 6 is the number of rows of the bar (do not forget to knit holes for buttons on one strap, on the other buttons stitching knit in the process of knitting). The last row is indicated by an arc; this is strapping along the slats and the neck. The bottom row is the bottom trim strictly from the edge of the plank from left to right. 
Blouse Solomon (in the original she has the name Secret Garden).
Consumption from 250g (100g_400m) 
Hook number 2.5. 
Everything is trite and simple. Unseparated knitting motifs (the transition is indicated on the diagram). 

White blouse Hendrix
Gray blouse has no name  
Consumption from 300g (100g_400m) 
Hook №2.5 

Consumption of about 300g (100g_400m) 
Hook № 2.5 
Consumption about 500g (100g_400m) 
Hook number 2.5 
Consumption about 550g (100g_400m) 
Hook number 2.5
Mega_Online.Vol 2.Montoro.Fairytale dress. 

Monday, January 21, 2019


12:06:00 PM


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