Friday, April 13, 2018
5:11:00 AM
1) Ruched interconnected via sirloin grid: 1 tbsp. with nakida, 1 ce, 1 tbsp. nakida with 1 CP etc.
2) When the lining to be used, then a deep rows can be knit frills larger fillet mesh nakida replacing columns with columns on two nakida and / or increasing the amount of air between the columns.
3) pritalivanie small size can be obtained by changing hook for less. If necessary, we can produce pritalivanie / extension by the amount of air in the loin grid and then reducing / increasing the number of repeats.
4) If the dress you plan to wear unlined, the essential parts of the dress instead of sirloin grid can try to relate continuous web bars with nakida. Although, if the yarn is not very thin, and ruffles are obtained is not particularly moving, even with the usual loin grid can do without padding.
5) Getting knit dress from the bottom up. Knit pattern ruffles. Erase it, measure the width of a single element and calculates the required number of repeats, focusing on the thigh * plus a few cm to freedom *. Then, if desired, waist closer to produce contraction of the web.closer to breast enlargement.
6) strings one chooses to your liking. Original knitted dress made of natural silk yarn, but we have to choose from what is at hand: Iris, viscose silk Kamteks, Narcissus, Pekhorka Pearl, Orion (Vita), Tulip of Yarn Art (knit need to be accustomed, but the product looks Shea
2) When the lining to be used, then a deep rows can be knit frills larger fillet mesh nakida replacing columns with columns on two nakida and / or increasing the amount of air between the columns.
3) pritalivanie small size can be obtained by changing hook for less. If necessary, we can produce pritalivanie / extension by the amount of air in the loin grid and then reducing / increasing the number of repeats.
4) If the dress you plan to wear unlined, the essential parts of the dress instead of sirloin grid can try to relate continuous web bars with nakida. Although, if the yarn is not very thin, and ruffles are obtained is not particularly moving, even with the usual loin grid can do without padding.
5) Getting knit dress from the bottom up. Knit pattern ruffles. Erase it, measure the width of a single element and calculates the required number of repeats, focusing on the thigh * plus a few cm to freedom *. Then, if desired, waist closer to produce contraction of the web.closer to breast enlargement.
6) strings one chooses to your liking. Original knitted dress made of natural silk yarn, but we have to choose from what is at hand: Iris, viscose silk Kamteks, Narcissus, Pekhorka Pearl, Orion (Vita), Tulip of Yarn Art (knit need to be accustomed, but the product looks Shea