Original knitted earrings, bracelets, rings, beads, chains and necklaces! Amazingly beautiful, warm and cozy!
And very special flower decorations-transformers. Such a thread can be worn as a necklace, as a bracelet, wrapped around the wrist, you can decorate your hair in the style of a hippie or a boho. Just look how feminine!
The impression is that these bracelets are either lacquered, or impregnated with something and ironed, or simply starched, in general, somehow strengthened. But beautiful! By the way, it is checked up - such lace can be medicated by electroforming / electroforming method, it turns out copper, real metal lace, with preservation of all the smallest details.
Combinations based on metal rings tied with threads are a very simple way, and decorations look modern, almost like hi-tech))
Here, I liked these bracelets with a freeform layout (I did not do it with knitted thick strings, but with hollow cords). Soft and elastic wire inside - it can be given any shape, and then tighten the bends at the junction points.
Such small flowers can be used as an element of any ornaments - and necklaces, and bracelets, and hairpins.
Surprisingly, like a necklace lace I met a little. It would seem, it begs - any circular element + beads-beads-tapes + that fantasy will tell ... and a ready-made necklace.
Knitted miniatures - for coulombs, brooches, pendants - absolutely charming.
But this, judging by the elastic band - not a necklace , but a bandage on the head. .. and by the way, should look very effectively in a put on appearance.
You see, in fact, any knitted element can be turned into a beautiful earring.