Monday, January 2, 2017
4:08:00 AM
12:07:00 AM
Sunday, January 1, 2017
11:52:00 PM
1:06:00 PM
Bolero Size: 36.
Require: 200 g and 150 g of purple and white beads for seredinok elements "flowers", a needle, hook number 1.5 purple yarn (100% Coton, 560 m / 100 g).
Pattern tape: 5-4 scheme. The chart indicated the direct and inverse series.
The pattern of the composition "Wave": 5-1 scheme The scheme specified places braid connection.
Element "little flower": diagram
5-2. Knits from the center of the circle purple yarn.
The element of "Big Flower": 5-5 scheme. Knits from the center of the circle purple yarn.
The element of "leaf": 1-4 scheme, see the description of the model 1. knits purple yarn..
The basic pattern for a handbag "loin grid": 5-6 scheme. The chart indicated the direct and inverse series. Lilac knit yarn.
Description. The size and placement of ribbons see the pattern (Fig. 5-1, 5-2). Work is carried out in stages.
The first stage (rest). Take on thick paper (suitable and dense old cloth) details a pattern in size.Think of the composition, offer to connect it Bruges and Irish lace. Purple yarn braid knit according to the scheme 5-4. During the imposition of tapes required length fold it in waves, forming the top of the backrest. How to connect the braid waves tell diagram 5-1. Ready fragment of the Bruges lace baste the pattern to the wrong side up. Lilac and purple yarn Bind the required number of flowers and
leaves on the schemes 5-2 and 1-4. Lay them on the pattern seamy side up, in accordance with your composition. Try to trim all the edges. Purple yarn stitch adjoining side elements and ribbons. In places where large gaps, the elements connect Breeden. Work is carried out purple yarn. Finished parts, remove the pattern and slightly otparte.
The second stage (the shelf). Make the pattern details of its size. The length of the shelves, shoulder and side seams length should match the dimensions on the back. Think of the composition, suggest the use of Irish lace. Lilac and purple yarn Bind the required number of colors and patterns on leaves 5-2 and 1-4. Lay them on the pattern seamy side up, in accordance with your composition. Try to trim the side and bottom edges. Purple yarn stitch adjoining side elements. In places where large gaps, the elements connect Breeden. Work is carried out purple yarn. Finished parts, remove the pattern and slightly otparte. Second shelf vyvyazyvayut similarly, but in mirror image.
The third stage (fringe). Sew purple yarn shoulder and side seams.
On the contour of the edges (neck, shelves and bottomt rim according to the scheme 5-1. It purple yarn braid, which is folded into a "wave". Knitting in a circle, connecting the braid during operation in the waves and the edge of the main part (see. Photo model). Tying the edge of the contour, you're done. Border width in this embodiment of 8 cm.
The fourth step (sleeve). Make the pattern details of its size. So it will be more convenient to form the round sleeves. Lilac yarn Bind 15 bands
braid according to the scheme 5-4. Three of the longest (length 18 cm) are centered. Then, on both sides for bevels place each strip is shorter than the previous one. Along the edges of the shortest (length 9 cm). During interconnected bands. Do not forget to connect on the sleeve seam. Purple yarn connect sleeve to the main part on the edge doused. On the contour of the lower edge of the rim scheme 5-1. It purple yarn braid, which is folded into a "wave". Knitting in a circle, connecting the braid during operation in the waves and the edge of the main part (see. Photo model). Tying the edge of the contour, you're done. Second Hand similarly.
Fifth stage (assembly). All edges of the contour of a purple tie yarn and pattern according to the scheme 5-3. At the midway colors sew beads.
Description. First, pick up something from the old already unnecessary small handbags or clutches, and you can buy a new cheap handbag. Color tone to pick up the yarn. If this is hard to do, it will approach the universal color - beige, white or black.
To give a new image of her purse (it's very easy), it is necessary to tie the yarn into garments model tone.
The size and direction of knitting look at the pattern (Fig. 5-3).
Initially, purple yarn vyvyazhite canvas size 19 x 60 cm pattern "loin grid '5-6 scheme. Tie his pattern under the scheme of 5-7. Obsheyte handbag this web. Think of the composition of flowers and leaves, them and sew items on the bag, folded them into a composition. We offer for the imposition of circuit elements 5-5 and 1-4.