Monday, December 19, 2016


12:55:00 PM

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Bags in urban style crocheted - hit of the season. This practical and convenient  bag  (can be increased) will have any fashionistas to taste
You will need:
260 g of yarn ALPINA «LILY» (100% cotton, 175m / 50g) color linseed.
2 zipper length 27 cm and 15 cm.
linen fabric for the lining.
hook number 2.5 and number 4,5.
 Knitting bags start from the bottom of the hook number 2.5. Tie a string of 70 PE and in the 1st row sc follow on both sides of the chain. Then knit in a circle, but the turning rows. In the 4 corners of the bottoms follow increments - on the corner column of knit sc 3 - Fig.. 1. When the bedplate is ready, you will have the following number of columns - Fig. 2. Next 5 rows knit without of increases CH. Then divide the knitting into pieces.
Side walls  - to 28 columns continue to knit CH, making every 3rd row ubavki with 2 sides. So knit all 24 rows.
Front and rear wall bags , consisting of 95 loops, knit pattern according to the scheme. 2 except that instead of CH follow RLS. Next on the front and rear wall tie 7 series RLS. Last 7th row, attach (or tie) into the bag, ie, RLS to its underside.
And then tie another 7 rows sc to  strap to which is sewn zipper.
A pen.  Knit 2 nits in addition, the hook number 4,5 according to the scheme. 2. Tie the handle of desired length. Then circle tie the handle with 2 rows of sc.
Inner  pocket.  Hook number 2.5 tie a chain of 50 VP and follow her 8 rows of sc. Make the cut for lightning and then bind another 38 rows of sc. Glue the pocket from the inside interlining, Sew in the zipper pocket.
Assembly.  From linen and sew the lining of the bag size (Fig. 3). Sew bound, ready to pocket lining. Sew the handle to the bag. Sew the zipper. Scroll to the bottom of the bag, tying it close to the edge
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She has published  prh48  in the group  all in-date information ... (crochet)

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.  Handbag "No African Flower"

.  Handbag "No African Flower"

Yarn (300 grams) and a hook
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

Here's a tune turned
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

In the corners should be four motif  
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

Connecting motives in the process of 
knitting the last row 
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

By the way, here there are different ways 
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

To strengthen the bottom will kartonochka invest.
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

For zipper scored from the inside and  
knit a few rad art. b / n. planochki
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

Zipper ends tied "stub" 
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

Lining had to sew herself,  
 hand sewn. Has made a pattern as shown in the MC (first link) via increased Paint the pattern by printing. Two pieces of fabric folded face to face,   zipper pockets, for, sewn on the edges of the part. 

.  Handbag "No African Flower"

Through unbuttoned zipper pulled down by ironing. 
To outline where you want to ask that was zipped pocket,  
and then baste the other side of the pocket. 
Cartons also sheathed with a cloth.
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

Sew more buttons to cardboard to hold,  
and when to wash the bag, it was possible to remove it.
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

.  Handbag "No African Flower"

She folded inside pockets,  
sew the side seams.
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

Then the seams on the bottom padding.
.  Handbag "No African Flower"

Insert the lining into the purse and sewed. 
On all sewing it took me time 4:00 Saturday. 
I am ashamed to say, but I'm a happy, that I could not lazy  
it sew 
.  Handbag "No African Flower"
And here is my bag ready, standing on the window sill
.  Handbag "No African Flower"
Aeto already under the weight of the contents.
.  Handbag "No African Flower"
This motif can be used for handbags, and for plaid or cushion.

Handbag made of floral motifs

Handbag made of floral motifs

Handbag made of floral motifs

Handbag made of floral motifs

Handbag made of floral motifs

Handbag made of floral motifs


6:55:00 AM




Front and back -. 104 Monte corr close the ring with 1 p.bx. and Job. around follows: 1st carr. - * 1 tr, 1 ch, skip 1 corr base *, rep.. from * to * 24 more times, 1 pad, 1 corr., 1 pad lacing the same basic form 1 increase, * 1 tr, 1 corr., skip 1 corr base *, rep. from * to * 24 more times, 1 pad, 1 corr., 1 pad lacing the same base forming 1 increase, close the carr.with 1 p.bx .; 2nd carr. - * 1 pad lacing each corr. Wren. Previous, 2 corr. *, rep. from * to * 1 and Work. 1 increased in each race. increases; 3rd and 4th carr. - * 1 pad lacing each corr. Wren. Previous, 3 corr. *, rep. from * to * 1 and Work. 1 increased in each race.increases; 5th carr. - Work It Out. 1 only between the increase and the other to form the back, leaving the next waiting interval. Trab. * 1 pad lassoing the corr handle. Wren.Previous, 3 corr. *, rep. a * a *; 6th carr. - 4 corr. to climb the carr., 1 corr., * 1 tr lassoing the lacquer corr. base, 1 corr. *, rep. from * to * and finish the carr. . with 1 race, 1 pad lacing pad base; 7th carr. - 4 corr. to climb the carr., 3 corr., * 1 tr lassoing the lacquer corr. base, 1 corr. *, rep. from * to * and finish the carr. 3 corr., 1 pad lacing pad base. Rep. Of the 6th and 7th carr. 10 more times. Arrem .. Finishing - Secure the wire with 1 p.bx. a corr handle. front, make 4 corr. to climb the carr. and Job. as follows: 1st carr. - In the same corr handle. Wren. Previous Job. 2 corr., 1 tr, 2 ch., 1 pad, 3 corr., Skip 1 corr handle. base, * the same corr handle. Wren. Previous Job. 1 tr, 2 ch., 1 tr, 2 ch., 1 pad, 3 corr., Skip 1 corr handle. base *, rep. from * to * and close the carr. with 1 p.bx .; 2nd carr. - * 1 pad lacing the corr handle. Wren. Previous, 2 corr. *, rep. from * to * around the entire piece, close the carr. with 1 p.bx .; 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th carr. - * 1 pad lacing the corr handle. Wren. Previous, 3 corr. *, rep. from * to * around the entire piece, close the carr.with 1 p.bx .. Keep working carr. Circular bp for over 7 cm. Arrem .. Gola - Monte 40 corr plus 3 corr.. to climb the carr., 1 tr lassoing the 4th corr. from the Ag., 1 tr lassoing each corr. following by the end of the cord. Keep working carr. pa until 65 cm from the beginning, arrem. Installation and finishing - Una the start and end edges of the collar forming a tube. Preach the collar around.